Friday, October 28, 2011

What You Need to Know About the Backpack Traveler

Backpacking has always been something we see in the movies or hear during conversations. We have always wanted to try it but we are too scared of all the connotations. Plus we saw movies that are not really very supportive of the idea. Does backpacking really mean hitching rides and getting cut into pieces like what are shown in some horror movies? Does it entail a lot of walking and knowing people? What are the things that a backpack traveler needs to know?
- Backpacking is a term that's simply used to describe traveling on a low and tight budget. This term is mostly used when you traveling out of the country. The use of backpacks is the more prevalent thing among people who do so, hence the term backpacking.
- The term backpacking is a steadily evolving term due to the diversity of people using the term. Especially at present, with very low flight rates offered by budget airlines compounded by the rampant appearance of low-cost hostels, more people get the chance to travel.
- Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri is cited by many as one of the world's first backpackers.
- The origin of backpacking can be traced back to the travel of the Silk Road and then the Hippie trail of the 1960s and 1970s.
- Backpackers of the earlier age avoided bringing electronic gadgets due to the fear of theft. However, the younger generation's desire to stay connected changed this. As of now, PDAs, laptops and digital cameras are already among the things that backpackers pack first.
- Backpacking is deemed a more cultural approach to tourism. Backpackers usually get more immersed to the culture of the place that they are backpacking in. as opposed to the already packaged itinerary of the mass travelers, back packers get to experience the place more.
- There are now variants of backpacking. The first being flash packing. This term referring simply to backpacking with higher budget. Another variant is known as gap packing. This term is loosely used to address people who backpack in between school or in between jobs.
- Loads of movies which feature backpackers are made throughout the years. One website listed the best backpacker movies and surprisingly, it does not include Friday the 13th! The best backpacker movie according to is Into the Wild. The second place went to both Hostel 1 and 2

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